Ubuntu Tweak adalah aplikasi yang dirancang untuk konfigurasi Ubuntu
lebih mudah bagi semua orang. Ada banyak manfaat yang diberikan untuk
desktop dan opsi sistem pilihan standar desktop tidak
diberikan. Pada saat ini, hanya dirancang untuk Ubuntu GNOME Desktop,
dan mengikuti distribusi Ubuntu terbaru.
Ubuntu Tweak adalah perangkat lunak bebas, Anda dapat
mendistribusikannya dan
/ atau memodifikasi itu menurut ketentuan GNU General Public License
sebagaimana dipublikasikan oleh Free Software Foundation. Informasi
lebih lanjut dapat di lihat dari paket LICENSE.
Ubuntu Tweak bisa di
Berikut kutipan aslinya :
Ubuntu Tweak is an application designed to config Ubuntu easier for
It provided many usefull desktop and system options that the default
desktop environment isn’t provided.
At present, It is only designed for Ubuntu GNOME Desktop, and often
follows the newest Ubuntu distribution.
Ubuntu Tweak is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation. More information can see at the the
package’s LICENSE.
Features of Ubuntu Tweak
- View of Basic System Information(Distribution, Kernel, CPU,
Memory, etc.)
- GNOME Session Control
- Auto Start Program Control
- Qucik install common usded applications
- A lot of third-party sources to keep application up-to-date
- Clean unneeded packages or cache to free the disk space
- Show/Hide and Change Splash screen
- Show/Hide desktop icons or Mounted Volumes
- Show/Hide/Rename Computer, Home, Trash icon or Network icon
- Tweak Metacity Window Manager’s Style and Behavior
- Compiz Fusion settings, Screen Edge Settings, Window
Effects Settings, Menu Effect Settings
- Set the Shortcuts to let qucikly access your favourite
- GNOME Panel Settings
- Nautilus Settings
- Advanced Power Management Settings
- System Security Settings
I’m a university student come from China, only a beginner of GTK+
I Love GNU/Linux and the Open Source, and want to contribute something
to the Open Source World.
So the Ubuntu Tweak comes out, I hope it will help a lot of GNU/Linux
beginners of that I have ever been too.
My e-mail is: tualatrix[AT]gmail.com
If you have any question, you can contact with me.
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