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- 03-07-2024
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Google Adsense telah merilis interface baru, meski masih beta tapi disisi tampilan sangat sangat ciamik. Tetap mengambil tema simple namun dengan fitur yang sangat mantap. Secara umum interfacenya mirip-mirip Google Adwords yang berbeda adalah warna dominan yang digunakan adalah biru langit sedangkan Google Adwords menggunakan warna dominan hijau tua.
Interface baru ini terinspirasi oleh feedback dari pengguna dan penerbit, interface baru telah dirancang untuk memberi informasi lebih, kontrol lebih dan efisiensi yang lebih banyak.
Berikut beberapa tampilan dari interface Google Adsense yang baru:
Mantap deh .. selamat buat Google Adsense :)
Berikut informasi mengenai fitur dari Interface Google Adsense yang baru, dalam bahasa inggris sesuai dengan aslinya hee
sumber: https://www.google.com/adsense/www/en_US/adsense3/features.html
Inspired by direct feedback from you, our publishers, the new interface has been designed to give you more insights, more control and greater efficiency.
More Insights
Actionable data to help you better understand your performance and make more informed business decisions.
Graphs on the Performance reports tab allow you to easily view trends in your performance. You can quickly view impressions, clicks and earnings all in one graph, compare text ad performance to image ad performance, compare date ranges and easily manipulate data to recognize trends.
More Data
You can now run detailed performance reports by ad type, ad size, ad unit, targeting type, and bid type for total earnings and other metrics, over a custom date range. You can also drill down into those reports to view new reports for just one or multiple elements, like channels, ad units, or products.
More Control
Easier to use, richer controls to help you protect your brand - all in one place.
Controls Grouped Together
Find all ad controls, including advertiser site, category, and ad network blocking as well as the Ad review center on the Allow & block ads tab.
Improved Ad Review Center*
The updated ad review center makes it easier for you to review ads that have been placement targeted to your site. You can now search for ads by ad type, keyword, URL, or ad network, and choose to approve allow or block them.
Category Blocking**
Block categories of ads, such as politics, religion, and dating ads from showing up on your site.
Greater Efficiency
Redesigned interface helps you find what you're looking for and complete tasks quickly and easily.
Streamlined, Reorganized Interface
A visual redesign makes it easy to quickly see your earnings and payment information, find relevant features, and make changes to your account.
Relevant Help on Every Page
Targeted help, including the relevant frequently asked questions, appears on every page so that you can get the information you need without leaving your account.
Revamped Resources Page
The resources page brings top resources, in addition to help, right into your account. Check out this page to view videos, read blog posts, and more.
: tanpa label
Hari ini | : | 1.062 |
Total | : | 12.109.996 |
Online | : | 7 |
Rasulullah SAW Bersabda, "Barang Siapa Yang Menikahi Seorang Wanita Karena Kedudukannya, Maka Allah Tidak Akan Menambahkan Baginya Kecuali Kehinaan. Barang Siapa Yang Menikahi Seorang Wanita Karena Kekayaannya, Maka Allah Tidak Akan Menambahkan Baginya Kecuali Kefakiran." Beliau Melanjutkan, "Barang Siapa Yang Menikahi Seorang Wanita Karena Kemuliaan Nasabnya, Maka Allah Tidak Akan Menambahkan Baginya Kecuali Kerendahan. Dan, Barang Siapa Yang Menikahi Seorang Wanita Dan Ia Tidak Menginginkan Kecuali Supaya Dapat Menundukkan Pandangan Dan Menjaga Kemaluannya Atau Menyambung Tali Silaturahim, Maka Allah Akan Memberkahi Mereka Berdua."