• putragaluh
  • Sabtu, 14/12/2013
  • Linux
  • 8873 hits

Iseng-iseng main di google play, eh ada recomended app yang ternyata ssh client di android. Namanya JuiceSSH. Untuk versi free sudah lumayan lah bisa buat remote.

Tools ini lumayan bisa bantu dikala nggak sempet buka PC/Laptop atau cuma sekedar monitor server atau perangkat lainnya yang katanya sih mendukung protokol lain seperti telnet dll ..

Bagi yang online di android, bisa langsung ke TKP di https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sonelli.juicessh

Bagi yang belum coba mangga dicobain yah :) berikut penampakannya :

Juice SSH

INFO lengkapnya saya PASTE dari developernya:

The all in one terminal client for Android including SSH, Local Shell, Mosh and Telnet support.


  • Full colour terminal / ssh client
  • Popup keyboard with all those normally hard to find characters
  • Use the volume keys to quickly change font size
  • External keyboard support
  • Official Mosh support (http://mosh.mit.edu)
  • Telnet support
  • Local Android terminal support
  • Click URLs to open in a browser
  • Copy & Paste within sessions
  • Save / Share SSH transcripts to Dropbox/Evernote/Email & SD card
  • UTF-8 character support
  • Easily organise your connections by group
  • Keep multiple SSH sessions running in the background
  • Seamlessly connect 'via' other SSH connections with one click
  • Immediate access when you open the app to your frequently used connections
  • Password & OpenSSH private key support
  • SSH key agent forwarding
  • Support for two-factor authentication (eg: Google Authenticator)
  • Identities (users/password/keys) are abstracted from connections. Instead of updating every connection when you change your password - just update the identity and any connections linked to it will use the new password/key.
  • Works out of the box with Ubuntu, RedHat, CentOS, Mint, Gentoo and all other flavours of Linux
  • zlib compression to improve SSH sessions on high latency connections

Pro Features (optional in-app purchase):

  • Quick and easy port forwards that can be connected to via the app or widget and can automatically open in a browser if required.
  • Integrate with Amazon AWS / EC2, synchronise connections and automatically group servers based on their class or security groups.
  • Securely keep everything in sync between multiple devices
  • Automated AES-256 encrypted backups of all of your connections and settings
  • A beautiful widget for fast access to either your frequently used connections, or a specific group (Android 3.0+).
  • Team collaboration. Share your groups of connections with team members and start working together instead of separately.
  • Handy snippets library for quick access to your frequently used commands
  • Dark, Light, Solarized Dark and Solarized Light terminal color themes
  • For an overview of solarized color scheme and why it rocks for terminal usage check out http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized
  • Security lock to automatically protect JuiceSSH after a period of inactivity


Semoga bermanfaat ..

: tanpa label


Hebatnya Shalat 5 Waktu

Dari Abu Hurairah R.a. Berkata: Saya Telah Mendengar Rasulullah Saw Bersabda, Bagaimanakah Pendapatmu Seumpama Ada Sebuah Sungai Di Muka Pintu Salah Seorang Dari Kamu, Lalu Ia Mandi Daripadanya Setiap Hari Lima Kali, Apakah Masih Ada Tertinggal Kotorannya?" Para Sahabat Menjawab, "Tidak." Nabi Saw Bersabda, "Maka Demikianlah Shalat Lima Waktu, Allah Akan Menghapuskan Dosa-dosa Dengannya."

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